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3D Printable Objects With Printer

The geniuses over at Pirate Bay want you to see the brilliance of your own personal 3D photos! The file-sharing site that is known for letting users share multimedia games and software has now included a “Physibles” category for digital files that can be physically created using a 3D printer. Pirate Bay says the section will only contain data that is able and feasible to become physical.

Pirate Bay sees this as the first step along the road of 3D technology, and feels that people are looking forward to creating 3D files that they can use to help them learn about the physical aspects of everything from car parts to organs and more. While this technology is progressing it’s still pretty rare to ever find it in the hands of the average consumer, but of course that’s only a matter of time.

One of the problems with 3D printing is getting a hold of things to print. You can of course download pre-made objects from a variety of places like Thingiverse; but if you want something unique and made by you, that’s where things get a little difficult. Here are 9 quick and easy apps for making something a little more unique.


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