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iPhone’s Siri coming to cars later this year

The use of artificial intelligence assistants is getting common day by day thanks to the products like Siri of iPhone and others that have played a vital role in publicizing such a technology. Apple introduced Siri with the release of iPhone 4S back in 2011 and it was one of the prime factors that smartphone became an instant hit.
siri iPhones Siri coming to cars later this year
As Apple adds new features with every software release to Siri, it is also working on its expansion and integrating it with different gadgets and machines. One very useful feature of Siri is you can use it to do different things on your iPhone while you are driving. For example you can ask it to make a call, send an SMS, create a reminder etc without having to touch it. The use of Siri in cars is so popular that Apple is now working with car manufacturers to integrate it in their vehicles.
accord iPhones Siri coming to cars later this year
Now Honda has announced that its next three models of cars, which includes Honda Accord and Acura RDX and ILX will have Siri as a dealer installed option. When these models are released later this year users with Siri equipped iPhone running iOS 6 will be able to perform a number of specific tasks without getting distracted while driving  The addition of Siri is called the Eyes Free mode through which users can make hands-free commands to their iOS device while not getting distracted.

The iPhone will be connected with the vehicle via Bluetooth and will be able to take full advantage of the Eyes Free mode. The vehicle will have an onboard microphone and speakers which will be put on use for Siri.
While its a great step by Honda, it should not be limited to Siri and iPhone only. Users of other platforms and devices should also be able to seamlessly enjoy this great feature


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